A brother elder from South America, who was forced to resign because of his refusal to get vaccinated against COVID-19,
wrote a letter to the Governing Body.
He made it public so that everyone could benefit from his analysis. Here is the translation into English.
His letter is filled with love and a deep faith in his Creator and in Jesus Christ.
Although some Witnesses will cry apostasy,
we challenge anyone to find in this long letter a single passage where the brother questions
the teaching of Christ or separates himself, even in the slightest, from the teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses for decades.
Being a Christian requires us to denounce serious sins (Matthew 5:23-26).
Whether you are unvaccinated, vaccinated, for or against the vaccine, you will learn a lot, a lot by reading this letter
to the end.
And above all, you will be prepared for the future, when other difficulties arise.
This letter constitutes
a memorial of what happened between 2021 and 2024 among Jehovah’s Witnesses.
We have a
duty to remember so that the same transgressions do not happen again.
If this letter has been useful to you, please do not hesitate to share it, do not hold back from doing good around you.
If you want to translate this letter into another language, please click on this link:
translate into another language
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