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Seringue Open Letter to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses

A brother elder from South America, who was forced to resign because of his refusal to get vaccinated against COVID-19, wrote a letter to the Governing Body.

He made it public so that everyone could benefit from his analysis. Here is the translation into English.

His letter is filled with love and a deep faith in his Creator and in Jesus Christ.

Although some Witnesses will cry apostasy, we challenge anyone to find in this long letter a single passage where the brother questions the teaching of Christ or separates himself, even in the slightest, from the teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses for decades.

Being a Christian requires us to denounce serious sins (Matthew 5:23-26).

Whether you are unvaccinated, vaccinated, for or against the vaccine, you will learn a lot, a lot by reading this letter to the end. And above all, you will be prepared for the future, when other difficulties arise.

This letter constitutes a memorial of what happened between 2021 and 2024 among Jehovah’s Witnesses. We have a duty to remember so that the same transgressions do not happen again.
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See the list of branches that received the book in paper format.

If you want to translate this letter into another language, please click on this link: translate into another language
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Excerpt #1

Excerpt #2

Excerpt #3

Excerpt #4

Excerpt #5
their mandate is to feed the sheep = spiritually. March 4'25, Br. Splane reiterated that we must listen to them, they are there to protect us, they have the Holy Spirit, take the vaccine! still blinded, just like Adam and Judas. Br Herd told us that they are not infallible. Admitting their wrong would bankrupt the org. Young Br in Warwick got Myocarditis in 2022. Then Br Morris is removed Feb23. Was he pushing for transparency? 309-W. Oak Pointe Court, Lumberton, North Carolina 28358
All creatures great and small - 3/9/2025

I shall go over each comment and right my point on each of them. I too, am heart broken. This wonderful organization has opened my eyes 30 years ago. The most wonderful truth they shared with me is Ps 37:29. Such a thrilling promise to know I will live forever right here on earth (I am afraid of heights, LOL) and I will be able to interact with bears and all the animals (I just wish I can convince Jehovah to put all the snakes on an island I will never visit)
Heart broken sis - 3/9/2025

This book was Beautifully and Amazingly put together. You surely had God's Holy Spirit in putting this together with all the scriptures and research. Like the author and probably most or many of you... I refused the Covid vaccine for many of the reasons he described... there was immense pressure and my convictions were tested hardcore ... I thank God for the Insight and wisdom that came from above to further my convictions. Now i'm praying how I can help any of the Misled Sheep...Reach out to me
needhomeinspection@gmail.com - 3/8/2025

Thank you is hardly enough, for this EXTRAORDINARY meticulously put together, and POWERFUL sincerely worded Letter (and in my mind so very ACCURATE) ..... that you have lovingly prepared for both Governing Body, Congregation and the rest of Jehovah’s & Jesus hurting Sheep who have been alienated from their bros and sis in Christ, over total mishandling of what should have remained a Conscience/Medical Issue - not a Spiritual guidance issue for GB. So glad it's recorded. Grazie Mille -Isa 1/3/25
Isa - 3/2/2025

Thank You from my sincere heart for putting forth the effort to do this invaluable work, I have been trying in my own small way to achieve something similar but on a much smaller basis, so glad that you have done this awesome letter and book !!!! Yahweh WILL ENSURE that truth will be revealed !!! Thank You ,Thank You,Thank You !!!! Much Christian Love and Prayers !!! XXXX
Catriona - 1/14/2025

The Governing Body were obfuscating the truth. This incriminating document is an example of negligence on the part of an organization which claims to be directed by holy spirit.
Tim Brenn - 1/9/2025

A truly sincere book, which stands in stark contrast to the hypocrisy of the Governing Body and all the Witnesses who behaved like sheep led to the slaughter. A must-have for your library.
Steven - 12/1/2024

Not long finished reading it. I came across this article a couple days ago..remember in January in a broadcast..."We have no need to apologise".....in light of that thought this was intriguing... https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1955323#h=8:246-10:506 They immediately confessed their sins of compromising, They repented of their former course, expressed a desire to change their ways and prayed for Jehovah’s forgiveness. Organizationally they remembered their sins. Lets hope it happens again.
LynnAttwood - 11/17/2024

I’m heartbroken by what has happened. They’ve acted foolishly and have completely lost my trust. How can they ever recover from this?
BG - 11/14/2024

The Open Letter really expresses what many have experienced and felt. Thank you to the author for recording the event that many will now try to hide and obfuscate.
SusanBowman - 11/12/2024

I really enjoyed the analysis of the Updates. No one can dare to say now that the Governing Body did not manipulate us. But manipulating someone to do something is even more serious than forcing them to do that thing.
Mestek - 11/11/2024

What does two x six equal?