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Seringue Testimonies on the adverse events of anti Covid-19 vaccination campaigns among Jehovah's Witnesses

Jehovah's Witnesses are heavily vaccinated due to guidance given from July to December 20211 by the governing body.
Many witnesses have had serious adverse effects following vaccination campaigns and, for the most part, have had great difficulty in expressing them and having them recognized.
This website was made to allow each Witness touched by these vaccination campaigns to express it so that the community takes it into account (Luke 10:30-35).

VAERSIf you have not yet reported your side effect to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, follow this link: vaers.hhs.gov

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Vaccine Push by Governing Body, Death, Family Shunning.
Where do I begin……
In 2020 my family, which included myself, my wife and daughter, decided to refrain from taking the Covid19 vaccinations after doing much research on the matter. In February of 2021 I wrote a document detailing my research and why we must be cautious about the so-called vaccination. I posted this document online and I sent a copy to each of our family members. Not a single family member acknowledged receiving this document and they ultimately rejected the information contained therein, all of whom were Jehovah’s Witnesses. In May 2021 my wife received a text about a vaccine clinic being held at a local Kingdom Hall. My wife was horrified when she received this text and quickly showed it to me and asked, “What is happening?” Later I learned that vaccine clinic was being held at a local assembly hall as well. My wife urged me to meet with two elders in our congregation about this issue, one of them being a part of the hospital liaison committee. Their first words during this meeting were that they were also surprised that vaccine clinics were being done on witness properties. I shared my document with them along with other testimonies and the fact that aborted fetal cell lines were involved with them. The hospital liaison committee brother told me that New York knew about the aborted fetal cell lines, but he was not at liberty to tell me about any information they had about this. They listened but did not provide any support for anything I was presenting to them. The other elder tried to cross-examine some of what I presented.

In August of 2021, our entire family contracted Covid. My daughter only had mild cold symptoms, but my wife and I were very ill. The illness felt more like a poisoning to me. Sadly, my wife entered the hospital on August 31, 2021, and did not make it alive. She passed away on September 12, 2021. Her death was NOT due to Covid. There is a lot of very credible research on how the government in cooperation with hospitals provides the wrong treatments. Monetary incentives were being paid out to hospitals from the diagnosis of Covid, to using Remdesivir, to putting on the ventilator, all the way to death. These hospitals received up to $500,000 of FREE funding from these incentives in every case. Remdesivir was a failed Ebola drug in which upwards of 53 percent of those who take it die from the drug. This is what happened in my wife’s case. She died of maltreatment, the withholding of fluids and nourishment, and passed from Kidney Failure which is the drug’s main side effect.

Now comes the part where the Governing Body’s lack of neutrality negatively on this issue affected my daughter and me. The day my wife entered the hospital her mother called several elders in her congregation and ours and was telling them and others that we were being disobedient to Jehovah. She created quite a stir. When my wife passed, I got a call from two of her siblings basically scolding me for not staying close to the organization and listening to instructions. Everyone in the congregation who called about her death kept asking “was she vaccinated?”. I grew very weary in my disbelief, shock, and grief and I stopped answering their question. I felt like an outcast. My wife’s parents completely stopped speaking with me. They called my daughter twice trying to convince her to get vaccinated, but my daughter stood her ground on her decision. They then proceeded to shun her too until 8 months later her grandfather started having multiple strokes and passed away. My wife’s sister and husband then refused for us to be in their presence because they viewed us as a risk for not being vaccinated. They denied access for the most part for my daughter to be able to associate with her grandparents and to enter their home. This continued until just over a week ago my wife’s mother passed away from complications of quick on set dementia. I believe the vaccinations hastened both of their deaths. They received every shot, booster, flu shot, shingles shot, etc. My daughter spent maybe a total of 4 hours with her grandmother in those 2 ½ years after my wife’s death. She had to try and force her way to see her and was successful on a few occasions.

In my honest opinion, the Governing Body’s messaging created divisions in the congregations and separated families. This certainly happened in our case in a large way. Just listen to the updates provided on this site and you will hear the message loud and clear. Many who have taken the shots in our congregation are constantly getting sick, resurgence of cancers and other health conditions have surfaced.
It is NEVER okay for anyone with the authority like that of the Governing Body to take sides, coerce, and cause their members to think it is GOD’s will to take ANY medical treatment. It is squarely and completely one’s personal choice. Nothing should have ever been said beyond that. Complete neutrality should have been the only message coming across.

I am 57 years old. I live Temecula (United States).
anonymous (edit) 2/27/2024
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Vaccine coercion induces family break up
I didn't take the vaccine, so had no reaction. However, the pressure from the GB and the refusal of the elders and congregation members to listen to any kind of scriptural reason has broken my family: their cry: we must obey the GB! I am a Christian I follow Christ I want to follow his commands not those of men (Matthew 15:9) "Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.’”

I cannot take part in something that goes against God himself, my family want to follow the GB: they now won't bother with me, (soft shunning). Before the vaccine edict I had occasion to speak to four different people regarding the worship of the GB as they were all putting the commands of men above the commands in the Bible. I was shouted at and vilified, even told off through an elder's answer to a WT paragraph.

Friend 1 and her husband took the jabs, she was ok but her husband had a blood clot in the brain causing him to go blind in one eye. The blood clot was dispersed and they both went on to have more jabs and both caught Covid several times. I asked why they still took more jabs as they knew the side effects and the jabs were obviously ineffective as they still caught Covid. The answer was that they used the commands of the GB for every decision they make. (Not the commands of Jesus.) As I asked the obvious questions they are now shunning me.

Friend 2 had all the jabs, so did her husband, son and daughter. The daughter had a blood clot in the brain and also went blind in one eye. This was cleared with medication and she went on merrily jabbing away. The husband lost three members of his family to vax induced blood clots, but still went ahead with his own vax. He also had blood clots and was admitted to hospital the clots were cleared and he then developed turbo cancer. The son also developed turbo cancer. So, my friend later lost her husband and son to cancer in one week and although she remains healthy she is an emotional shell. Still firmly following the GB.

Friend 3 had huge adverse clotting reactions to each of her jabs: nearly died each time, spending a long time in hospital after each jab. Her husband begged her not to have any more but she went back each time to show her loyalty to the GB.

I have many more examples but it is making me cry to type them all. This scripture I find to be very helpful:

(Colossians 2:20-23) Since you died with Christ to the elemental spiritual forces of this world, why, as though you still belonged to the world, do you submit to its rules: “Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!”? These rules, which have to do with things that are all destined to perish with use, are based on merely human commands and teachings. Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.

This issue shows us clearly who the man of lawlessness is. (2 Thes 2:3-4) "Don’t be fooled by what they say. For that day will not come until there is a great rebellion against God and the man of lawlessness is revealed—the one who brings destruction. He will exalt himself and defy everything that people call god and every object of worship. He will even sit in the temple of God, claiming that he himself is a god."

The society are a huge part of Babylon the Great they will not be exempt from the punishments that are coming her way. "Get out of her my people" is every bit as applicable to those remaining in the society as it is to those in other religions.

I am deeply saddened to read all the loneliness and pain in the other accounts on here: remember my dear friends that your faith must be in our loving father and his kind son. Keep your faith strong in them. The time is nearly here when judgement will be meeted out and Earth will be wiped clean.

P (edit) 2/26/2024
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I work in the health, life, and disability insurance arena in a small town in the southern U.S.
I have process no fewer than 15 disability claims resulting from the mRNA injections (two of them permanent).
One of my former clients who had just retired, was an athletic doctor. He developed severe Myocarditis with a number of other complications immediately after his injection to the point he required a heart transplate.
I have two physician clients who tell me that they have scores of patients who they KNOW are now permanently damaged from the mRNA injections.

In my congregation a number of people are in denial over their own issues, including one couple who allowed their six year old daughter to receive the mRNA injection (their daughter developed TURBO CANCER within months after her shots).

Here's what I know...
The society is a 501(c)3 organization. As such it MUST never contradict the message of the government or it will lose this designation and be subject to taxation. (BTW - This includes ALL members, which is why the elders come down hard on anyone they perceive is contradicting the government's official narrative.)

Also, the churches all lined up for CARES ACT PPP funds on the premise that they PROMOTED these injections. It's been publicized that the Catholic church received some $3 Billion of this funding. (BTW - any organization receiving such funding, should they fail to regurgitate the government narrative or to promote it risks forfeiture of these funds.)

QUESTION: What are the odds that the society didn't hold its hand out for these truck loads of cash offered?

I am 63 years old. I live Southern Region (United States).
Anonymous (edit) 2/25/2024
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gastrointestinal rupture few days after mrna shot
im writing this on behalf of my closest family who are baptized and would never write this themselves allthough they did fill out adverse damage forms..my mother and father both took the vaccine after discussing it with some close firends after watching the gov body report 10 2021 wich implied that Jehovah would not allow anyone to be harmed or killed by a dangerous vaxxine because Jehovah wants us to stay in the land of the living. My mom have had her health crushed after taking these shots. A few days after the nr 2 mrna injection my she nearly died after her stomach ruptured and the operating surgeon said when he heard she just received the covid shot that she must should not take any more of those shots. her life was saved by a margin of minutes but she had to go through a long and arduous process of operations and hospitalizations. and still is to this day. my father had most likely microclotting in his legs as he had immense and excrutiating pain in his legs and could hardly sleep in 6 months. all the while the doctor refused to do a d-dimer test to check for any clotting she prescribed bloodthinners and said that those tests were only allowed if the doctor deemed it necessary. one of their close friends who also got vaccinated died of massive cardiac arrest in a few months back. all the arteries and veins around his hearth were clogged. and nobody even question if the vaccine could be a factor because they are so afraid to even mention the shots. everything from eating to global warming and the endtimes is repeated as the reason why it happened. another friend who got the shots got brainstroke and survived.. now i know that i cant say with 100% certainty all these things were caused by the experimental mrna injections. but the fact we are not supposed to or allowed to talk about this tells me theres a huge effort to supress and obscure the truth about this atrocity.
this is reality and the gb will never admit to any error as they said in the last broadcast - "nor do they need to apologize for getting things wrong" faithful and descreet indeed.. can somebody show me please where in the bible it says that if you are a leader of men like the gb or the pope that you are excempt from being humble and apologize for doing harmful mistakes to others? and seeing they explicitly stated the "as jws we have no biblical reason to not take these vaxxines". when most countries like canada requires your religion to be against the shots or you are not allowed a medical excemption... it is painfully obvious that IF they ever served God they have now become an evil slave intent on selling the flock for their own gain. and beating their fellows slaves whos conscience tells them differently than the orders from the gb. i have experienced more and more over the last years the feeling of being shunned, vilified and slandered for trying to tell people of the dangers of the mrna shots the last years and today noone in the congregation seem to want to talk to me because of this. even if i never been baptized or excluded. because the gb branded everyone who says anything diffrent to them as apostate liars... so even if people see the effects and damage from the mrna injections they dare not speak up for fear of being reprimanded.. from what ive seen the last few years if they (the GB)truly believed in Jehovah and Jesus they would not dare say or do the things they have.. but they seem to have no fear of angering god at all.. to me it looks as if they dont think god exist.. but I do.. so i will wait for Christ to come back and take care of them.. even if i will wait alone shunned by everyone including my own family and viewed as an apostate liar for speaking truth.. because i love truth more than my life.. and i dont want to be like the ones who will perish because they continue to love the lie..

I am 40 years old. I live nordland (norway).
anonymous (edit) 2/23/2024
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Shingles, Strokes, seizures etc etc
First of all my heart truly goes out to all of our brothers and sisters that have personally been injured or have had family and friends that have been injured by these experimental gene therapy inoculations I.e. covid vaccines. I personally never got the jab and never came close to getting the jab, but I have to admit that we’re many times especially after the GB updates I would ask Jehovah “should I get the shot” but the answer was always the same.. no… I think for me it was because I had educated myself on the jab and I looked at both sides of the issue and just plain logic..So I knew that there was a risk and I could not harmonize getting this experimental jab with applying the counsel at 2 Corinthians 7:1…. Sadly and for reasons I don’t know that scripture was never mentioned during the pandemic amongst the ones taking the lead, but I digress. To get back to the injuries, I know of ones in my congregation who have brain tumors, pace makers at an age under 40, shingles, strokes, seizures, severe internal bleeding, bloody eyes after getting the jab, swollen legs, stiff shoulders, severe rashes and elevated blood pressures and those are only the ones that I know of personally or whom I actually know. The thing is I know for a fact that all of these individuals were all vaccinated because I was told by someone who would know that I am only one in my congregation that was not jab. And to this very day I still have not attended an in person meeting in the almost two years since they were resumed. It’s not because I don’t want to be amongst my brothers or in Jehovah’s house so to speak, I just know that for the sake of peace it is best that I stay away. The reason I say that is because I know that I would not be able to keep my mouth shut. I could not just sit there during the meetings and hear the ridiculous comments and imo blasphemous comments being made and keep silent. I could not witness so many of my friends have health issues and not say anything that could help them get get rid of the spike protein or dissolve the ticking time bomb micro clots. Comments like if it is from the GB it is from Jehovah or comments from the platform that it was directions from Jehovah to get vaccinated, I think you get my point. Therefore, I just continue to zoom all of our meetings and informal witness whenever the opportunity presents itself. My friends within the congregation are soft shunning me, I only hear from them when they want something, but I get it. I understand why they are doing it. We all have done things out of ignorance. I’m not giving my testimony in order to cast shame or express my utter disappointment on how the organization handle the pandemic response. Even though I felt it was a failure, I have come to understand just how powerful fear is and how it has caused people and even Jehovah’s people to make serious mistakes in the past. Instead I write this because I want to encourage everyone here and others who perhaps have not given a testimony to hang on, don’t give up, you are being heard, you are believed and your opinions are genuine and valid. I know it is very hard to understand why these things have happened, why the majority of the friends are not accepting that the injuries and side effects are real, but we were told in Rev. 12 that the great dragon was cast down with gray anger and to mislead the “entire” inhabited earth. So imo we are simply seeing that prophecy fulfilled. I will close by saying that it is my strong desire that for all of you who have been injured as a result of the jabs and or opposition from others that soon you can all get some form of relief until our God Jehovah and His son Jesus brings a permanent solution and relief to all of this confusion, pain and suffering. Until then there are protocols and treatments out there that can help. Best wishes to all!

I am 70 years old. I live Texas (USA ).
Anonymous (edit) 2/21/2024
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VAERSIf you have not yet reported your side effect to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, follow this link: vaers.hhs.gov

1 View updates: #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #1/2022, Results: 4 times more deaths among Jehovah’s Witnesses.
This site was created in May 2023 and is maintained by Kati & Ghislain - France.


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