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Seringue Testimonies on the adverse events of anti Covid-19 vaccination campaigns among Jehovah's Witnesses

Jehovah's Witnesses are heavily vaccinated due to guidance given from July to December 20211 by the governing body.
Many witnesses have had serious adverse effects following vaccination campaigns and, for the most part, have had great difficulty in expressing them and having them recognized.
This website was made to allow each Witness touched by these vaccination campaigns to express it so that the community takes it into account (Luke 10:30-35).

VAERSIf you have not yet reported your side effect to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, follow this link: vaers.hhs.gov

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Turbo cancer after the third dose
Being a regular pioneer for so many years, I forced myself to get vaccinated, one, two then three doses to obey Jehovah. I had no adverse effects for 6 months after the third dose, then suddenly here I am with breast cancer. Cancer that I had treated more than 20 years ago and which I completely got rid of.
Is this turbo cancer linked to the injections, I don't know. All I know is that this vaccination did not spare me from Covid, which I caught several times (at least twice).
Here I am scheduled for radiation then chemo. Hoping these treatments will help me stay optimistic.

I am 68 years old. I live Strasbourg.
D.N. (edit) 1/4/2024
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Death & division.
I am rather new in the Truth compared to many in the Org. However, I was surprised how the Org strongly "encouraged" the friends to take the vax. There's a brother I used to work for that retired from painting & wallpaper hanging. He & his wife were very health conscious (homeopathic & holistic) & so they wouldn't normally do things like vax. He was rather healthy but his wife was sickly; nonetheless, when the the Broadcasts came out, they were divided on the matter. He went with the "suggestion" of the Org, while she did not. Not long after the second shot did he develop health problems. Apparently it was "COVID" but there were issues with his liver. Not long after he passed away. I respected this man since he taught me his trade & it is just depressing on how events have unfolded.

There's another friend who I know who didn't go along with the mandate & the friends have soft shunned him & his family. I am one of the few people who talk to him & I have learned much about what has been going on in the congregations since I am inactive. Apparently, since the "pandemic", the friends have become more isolated & developed many cliques within the congregations (so much for unity...). I found this blog that has many more JW obituaries & the numbers are shocking.

I am 32 years old. I live Pasco Florida (USA).
Anonymous (edit) 11/14/2023
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Breast cancer in vaccinated relative.
When the vaccines first came out in early 2021, I was skeptical because of the short time frame in development and testing of the vaccine. I am a person who investigates everything that I take into my body and I believe that is my responsibility to research medical treatments. As another person has stated, I too discovered that the vaccines damage the blood and that was enough for me to refuse to take the COVID vaccine, no matter the supposed incentives. My husband and I were completely appalled at the Governing Body updates issued in 2021 and they seemed to get worse with each one. In fact, my husband made a compilation of key messaging in these videos, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkeiVlIOxoM.

We felt the only thing we could do was to write a letter towards the end of 2021 to the Elders to warn them that they were being tricked into being complicit with promoting a bio-weapon and we had plenty of deaths and illnesses locally that they should have listened. But they did not believe us. In fact, we came close to being disfellowshipped but escaped that fate. The Elders believed that the Governing Body received divine direction from Jehovah and the Governing Body encouraged that belief while promoting double-speak. Every experience on this website is what we also witnessed and experienced. The Governing Body has become an idol, which must be obeyed and no questions asked. But I digress.

It’s difficult to recall all of the cases of illnesses but I have a female relative affected who would not want her identity revealed. She was coerced into the vaccine and she now has breast cancer. They removed the breast cancer but she still has cancerous cells floating around in her body that requires more chemo-therapy. We hope she will recover.

One Elder that I know personally dropped dead from a heart attack. His heart was apparently shredded and they could not save him. His wife was devastated. Another brother dropped dead while in the telephone witnessing work on Zoom. He left behind 2 young children. In our small congregation there were cases of emergency hysterectomy, severe shingles, two cases of appendicitis, etc. The mother of one elder recently died. I don’t know her cause of death but his uncle also died from a heart attack. This Elder was one who needed an emergency appendectomy. In our circuit there are reports of strokes, heart attacks, dementia and they all still got COVID. In just one meeting in my local congregation of about 100 brothers and sisters, there were at least a dozen serious illnesses that they mentioned in the concluding prayer and this occurred in August 2021, which was about a month after most of the brothers and sisters got vaccinated in obedience to the Governing Body.

But the attitude of the brothers and sisters was probably the most shocking. There was no love, there was only pressure to comply with nonsense. And, the Society is strongly promoting that the brothers and sisters must follow their instructions even if they are “strange, illogical or impractical”. I had dinner at the home of an Elder and his wife around December of 2021 and the Elder insisted that the Governing Body did not require anyone to get vaccinated. That is a bold lie. I personally know a relative in the full-time work, who was mandated to get the vaccine or the husband and wife would lose their full-time position. If it had been me, I would have said “BY” but they believe that the Governing Body is Jehovah’s channel and they submitted to their health directive. All I can say is that the COVID vaccine was a wake-up call. We were asleep.

The Society keeps a lot of their communications secret and I never knew that before. How shameful. I’m only staying anonymous to protect my active relatives and friends who have suffered enough. I sometimes have the thought of creating signs quoting Jesus, like Matthew 23:29-33 and standing outside the local Kingdom Hall. But I know that if Jehovah wanted me to do that, he would tell me and so I wait on him and his son. Jesus will come and he will seal the faithful anointed ones. Then we will see the separation of the wheat and the weeds. I have not lost an inch of my faith but I hope I am accepting the correction that comes from the scriptures.

Micah 7:4-7: Their best one is like thorns,
Their most upright one is worse than a thorn hedge.
The day of your watchmen and of your reckoning will come.
Now they will panic.
Do not put faith in your companion
Or trust a close friend.
Guard what you say to the one who lies in your embrace.
For a son despises his father,
A daughter rises up against her mother,
And a daughter-in-law is against her mother-in-law;
A man’s enemies are the men of his household.
But as for me, I will keep on the lookout for Jehovah.
I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation.
My God will hear me.“

I am 68 years old. I live Kapolei (USA).
Anonymous Sister (edit) 11/14/2023
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Observations in my city and congregation
Hello, I just came across this page and I wanted to congratulate you.
They had a simply brilliant idea.
I have been a witness for 30 years
I suffered terribly with the imposition of vaccines
I did not get vaccinated despite pressure from the congregation, neither did my family.
I had to stop being an old man because of it.

The circuit superintendent acknowledged a few days ago in the assembly that after the pandemic, countless illnesses occurred among the brothers and many died and became seriously ill, but he insisted that these are consequences of covid and climate change.

My congregation is full of people sick from the vaccine
cancers and heart problems are common
Before the pandemic they were all healthy
Now they don't recover from a simple cold and they are suffering from it for months in the middle of summer.

They no longer have an immune system.

I think that when another pandemic comes, the GB will recommend it again and everything will simply explode

Jesus said that we should love each other to the point of giving our lives for our brothers.

Do we have that kind of love if, for fear of reprisals, we do not tell others about the danger of the medical experiment?

John said not to love with the tongue but to love in deed and truth, giving others what they really need.

Jehovah does not withhold anything good from those who are loyal to him and we must imitate him

The idea of the brothers talking about what happened is excellent, maybe that will save some and make them think.

I will share your page so that there begin to be more testimonies

I would like to suggest the possibility of also doing something on Telegram

Many feel alone and do not know what to do, the congregation is their family and they feel abandoned without having someone to talk to about this, they even feel guilty for starting to question these things.

I tried to send them an email but the address does not exist, please verify it.

I don't know how to speak English, I translated this automatically
AB (edit) 11/14/2023
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Inflammation of lymph nodes and sinusitis and blockage of nasal passages
I would like to indicate two side effects that I have experienced.

In the third dose of the vaccine I had a lot of pain in my arm in the left armpit, they told me it was an area of lymph nodes that became inflamed. I had a bulge in that area and several years later I still have that bulge.

On the other hand, since the pandemic, and I think that due to vaccinations, since at no time have I been infected with Covid-19, I have sinusitis and a blocked nose that the doctor has told me is chronic and I will have breathing problems my entire life.

I am 58 years old. I live Madrid (Spain).
MCG (edit) 10/25/2023
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VAERSIf you have not yet reported your side effect to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, follow this link: vaers.hhs.gov

1 View updates: #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #1/2022, Results: 4 times more deaths among Jehovah’s Witnesses.
This site was created in May 2023 and is maintained by Kati & Ghislain - France.


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