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Seringue Testimonies on the adverse events of anti Covid-19 vaccination campaigns among Jehovah's Witnesses

Jehovah's Witnesses are heavily vaccinated due to guidance given from July to December 20211 by the governing body.
Many witnesses have had serious adverse effects following vaccination campaigns and, for the most part, have had great difficulty in expressing them and having them recognized.
This website was made to allow each Witness touched by these vaccination campaigns to express it so that the community takes it into account (Luke 10:30-35).

VAERSIf you have not yet reported your side effect to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, follow this link: vaers.hhs.gov

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Fully vaccinated, got COVID and died
My Aunt and Uncle were against the vaccine at first. But after constant prodding from the GB they thought, as was implied, that they wouldn't recommend it if it wasn't safe. So they both got 2 vaccines. They both got COVID anyway. My uncle took Ivermectin ( the horse paste) and had very mild symptoms. My Aunt refused to take Ivermectin. She was having a hard time breathing ended up in the hospital, was administered Remdesivir and died within 10 hours. 6 months later my uncle had a massive heart attack, had 4 stents and a pacemaker put in. He deeply regrets them getting the vaccine and doesn't understand why the org recommended it.

I am 49 years old. I live Helena (USA).
Truth Seeker (edit) 2/20/2024
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The Governing Body knew in 2020 that anti-Covid-19 vaccines were derived from stem cells taken from aborted embryos.
Anti-Covid-19 vaccines mostly use stem cells taken from human embryos at different stages of their development (a few days to a few months). These cell lines are not immortal, but require regular sampling (between a few months and a few years). This poses an ethical problem in most cultures.

The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses was aware of this problem and refrained from talking about it, diverting the gaze of each Witness by assuring them that the vaccines did not contain blood.

Here is an extract from the letter written by the Governing Body in response to this question:

« Regarding the use of cell lines produced from cells derived from aborted fetuses, we are aware that many vaccines in use today, including some COVID-19 vaccines, involve these cell lines in their production, such as the cell lines MRC-5, HEK293, and T-REx-293. What factors would a Christian need to consider when deciding whether or not to accept such a vaccine? First, was the abortion arranged with the express purpose of harvesting such cells? If so, then using those cells would make one directly complicit in the willful taking a human life. Second, did the act of taking the desired cells from the fetus actually kill it? If so, that too would make the one using those cells complicit in the willful taking human life. (See the November 22, 2002, issue of Awake!, page 10, paragraph 1) However, if the fetus was not aborted for the purpose of harvesting any of its cells or if it did not die as a direct result of taking them, it would be a personal matter as to wether one might utilize the cells or accept a vaccine that utilized such cells. In some respects, the situation could be compared to that of a Christian who needs an organ transplant and who has to decide wether to accept an organ from the body of a murder victim. - Compare « Questions From Readers » in Watchtower of March 15, 1980, page 31.

In the case of the aborted fetus associated with the production of MRC-5, sources consistently explain that this was not aborted for the purpose of obtaining diploid cells and that the fetal tissue was removed from the fetus when it was already dead. Thus, the abortion was not arranged with the express purpose of harvesting such cells. Similarly, the abortion of the fetus from which the cell line HEK293 (and, by extension, its derivative T-REX-293) was derived was not arranged with the express purpose of vaccine production. And as the term "aborted fetus" implies, the fetus was no longer alive when the cells were extracted. Thus, the matter of whether to accept a vaccine that involved these cell lines in its production is a personal decision for each Christian to make. Of course, since consciences vary, it is expected that various brothers and sisters will sometimes come to different personal decisions in this regard. » (View the original letter)

Why has the Governing Body pressured recommended that all Witnesses around the world get vaccinated, while also categorizing it as a matter of individual conscience? Did they even once address this inconsistency, or were they more inclined to ignore the sensibilities and personal agency of those in their care?
I live (USA).
KD (edit) 2/25/2024
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Divisions and illness
Everything has been different since Covid. Divisions, no more interested people, 2 interested people are no longer coming because of the vaccination advertising and have also this told the elders.

Some strongly suspected vaccine injuries:

60 years, few days after second vaccine, severe “unexplained” thrombosis in stomach area, almost died. After this she put greatest vaccine pressure. Eg. “unvaccinated people have no chance in Armageddon”... almost all of her relatives suffered. E.g. stroke immediately after, liver failure, kidney failure, etc. And all relatives are still advertising vaccinations from the stage...

30 years: “unexplained” multi-organ failure since the vaccine, constantly has to go to the hospital.
70 years, aneurysm
70 years, aneurysm
50 years, former athelic type, chronic fatigue after 3rd vaccine, very sad about this.
25 years, since vaccine, depression, burnout, unable to work anymore.

52 years, since the first vaccine completely changed blood count (liver values, kidney values, to few red and white blood cells and thrombocytes also too few, the blood count shortly before was completely ok! She even had to go to the hospital few days after vaccination. Because few hours later very high fever that didn't go down anymore... Even hospital admitted that it was due to the vaccine. Since then constantly sick, constantly coughing, or fever... but whole family continued to be vaccinated. Many of them also had strange damage from immunodeficiency to poor liver values, although still young.

25 years, after first vaccine, constant headache, had to go to hospital for almost 2 weeks, suspected of possible cerebral hemorrhage. After this went on vaccinating. After that „unexplained“ bad liver values in the blood.

53 years, 2 vaccines, cardiac arrest, “unexplained”, because no previous illnesses.

50 years, after 1st vaccine Shingles, knows it's from that, says it's not bad, even though he was in severe pain. Since then he has been sick regularly for 2 weeks.

58 years, double swollen neck after 1st vaccine, after this he stopped taking it.

25 years, after 1st vaccine Shingles, know it comes from that.

58 years shingles

58 years, tragically, dead in bed in the morning, it was strange, everyone acted afterwards as if he had never lived! A lot of people said that it definitely wasn't due to the vaccine...he had 5!! And just had a health check-up before and was still raving to me about how healthy he was.

Some older sisters now complain that they are no longer the same since the vaccine and, for example, are dizzy or their feet. Since then, other sisters have been completely confused and dizzy in their heads and have stopped coming.

About approx. 6 out of 10 between constantly having a cold and coughing or having a runny nose.

Since vaccination began, 10 older people from our hall have died. More than ever before in such a short period of time!

There was even a talk from a Bethel brother at the very beginning of the campaign. He mentioned that they are so sad right now because there have been so many unexpected deaths at the moment. At the time, this statement still seemed strange to some of us.

It's sad, but we shouldn't be upset about it. Anger makes sick. Jehovah sees everything and will judge each of us at the right time. Some wondered why he allows this situation to happen. But maybe we only show our true colors in extreme situations?

I am 50 years old. I live Hamburg (Germany).
Anonymous (edit) 2/12/2024
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Injury to Others, Spiritual Malpractice
In the interest of shrewdly avoiding calamity, it was obvious to many from the start that this serum was very dangerous. Personally, I soon determined that the formulation and effect of the mRNA gene therapy, it's delivery and glowing promotion by the Governing Body, all violated at least two dozen Scriptural principles, which I compiled and used as a guide for myself and (hopefully) others. I am happy to share this with anyone wishing to consider it. Having avoided the jabs, one adverse reaction is the pain and suffering to everyone and the fear of what might happen to those I love, more personally. I learned, firsthand, that "having our senses trained to distinguish both right and wrong", in this case, as respects the Western medical establishment and their products, proved to be a lifesaver. Satan's deceptive and dangerous system has a habit of disguising the Truth and villifing, marginalizing it's seekers and believers.

In addition to the 90's-era approval of the Eye of Horus Danish assembly hall and a ten-year special relationship with the UN, unchecked corruption which will likely never be addressed has resulted in this latest debacle. This captured element of the organization has evidently influenced the leaders of WT to coerce/entice the very "Flock of God" into accepting such a poison into their bodies. I'm deeply grieved by the needless suffering caused among so many JWs, and humanity at large. With such massive bloodguilt on their hands and having chosen to carry the Holy Name of man's loving, wise, just and powerful Creator,Watchtower will surely reap the harsh consequences of their reckless and abusive behavior.

Another "adverse reaction" has been the reproach and alienation forced on myself by clumsy, amateurish, ignorant, virtue-signaling elders who have been given the power to destroy what little family life I have, with my PIMI daughter (along with her MS husband, both dutifully double-jabbed). All elder bodies were instructed by letter, to express no criticism of the mRNA serum and to actively supress, to the point of disfellowshipment, any dissent to this directive among the rank & file. (In the US, this has resulted in upwards of a thousand deletions/resignations of elders and scores of disasocciations/disfellowshipments). As with other pretexts for this severe and traumatic practice, JW elder bodies have been endowed from above with Cheka/Gestapo-like "license to kill"; the murder of one's family, social and emotional life and, in many cases, inflicting such unbearably grave trauma, that many lives have ended in suicide. In my case, I was threatened with discipline for (based upon the scripturally-based "Watchman Principle") making a warning Instagram post out of concern for JW CHILDREN being jabbed with sterilizing, debilitating, death-dealing mRNA. Holding my family life hostage, they silenced what might have otherwise helped parents make the wise choice.

Actually, this has worked out to be a net benefit; I was compelled to learn in what OTHER ways this entity may be seriously, SCRIPTURALLY reprehensible. So, after finally reading Raymond Franz's books and coming to grips with WTs brutal body count and Pharisaical confidence racket, I'm glad to be free of both the illusion that they are God's Channel and of the fear that there will be death at Armageddon for not submitting to their dictatorship. Free of the frustration caused by their constantly shifting, self-serving policies and interpretations. Long ago, they proved to be neither "faithful nor discreet" and certainly not to be invested with any more credibility, or support. I'm sticking closer than ever to our Father and his Word, staying as far away from this Wolfpack as possible and hoping to be a 'strengthening aid' to those injured by them. Dynamoarts2@proton.me

I am 62 years old. I live Mayberry (USA).
Concerned New World Citizen (edit) 2/7/2024
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Sick from being vaccinated: Discovering the Watchtower has held stock shares in Johnson & Johnson, Merck, and other big pharma companies, including the ones that made the COVID vaccines
Initially, I trusted the GB with my life and followed their direction, so while I had formerly been vehemently opposed to vaccination, I went against my better judgment and my two children and spouse and I were vaccinated.

Later, I found out the GB lied about so many other things related to how they "love" us very much. During my research, I found out they've made profits off of big pharma.

Here are two videos with screenshots from some of their holdings:



It (their hypocrisy) made me sick.

I am 47 years old. I live (USA).
Audrey (edit) 2/15/2024
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VAERSIf you have not yet reported your side effect to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, follow this link: vaers.hhs.gov

1 View updates: #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #1/2022, Results: 4 times more deaths among Jehovah’s Witnesses.
This site was created in May 2023 and is maintained by Kati & Ghislain - France.


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