Severe Persecution as Regular Pioneer.
I am an Anti-Vaxxer. I almost died in 1974 in the Military from the Swine Flu vaccine. 44,000 soldiers did die. Gary Consumption New York Times won the Pulitzer Prize for his book "Anthrax A, Americas Experiment against its own Soldiers" It is a History of Vaccinations. From Spanish Influenza onward.
I am very good at Medical Research, I was asked by my own Doctor to do some for her.
I am a cancer survivor of the most aggressive Cancer, HER-NEU Positive receptor-3.
My husband had a horrendous cancer death. Being exposed to Radiation in Military played a part for both of us. As a result, because of Jehovah, I found much valuable medical research on
Which is the website Doctors and researchers use. I totally credit Jehovah for my life and all of his help. During those years, I was asked by 3 Doctors and Pharmacist for my research.
So, because of my background, I knew the Covid vaccines were toxic even before they we're available.
I also knew that this came under The United Nations Vaccination Plan. Which was carried out under
Operation Warp Speed, under Trump. Executed by Department of Defense.
When Left gave the December 25, 2020 update, I knew we were under the rule of the Evil Slave Class, Jesus warned us about. I can easily prove that using the Bible, and exposing quite a few more lies.
I have been a Regular Pioneer for decades. Attended 4 Pioneer Schools,, and applied for SKE.
What I really want to convey is how Jehovah helped me to endure 5 years of persecution, shunning, and isolation.
The Draw Close to Jehovah book helped the most. And deep Bible research. There were 42 Kings that ruled Israel, only 5 were faithful. Satan stepped in to corrupt pure worship, even with the first king.
So of course he would always seek to do this. Satan is clearly the King of the North. Daniel 8:11, 8:13 & 14. Daniel 9:31, 32-39. I prayed to Jehovah for Spiritual insight. Daniel 12.
And for the first time in 42 years I questioned everything the Society said, using my Bible and comparing Bibles. I only attend Zoom meetings. I do my ministry alone by informal witnessing.
Isaiah 3:8-12 and many others helped. If the prophets remained with Jehovah in spite of feeling they were dealing with people like Sodom. Then I can too!
Wonderful Medical researchers that proved we were all right. Dr. Phillip Buckholtz SC. On Rumble 200 Billion pieces of DNA in each shot. Dr. Brian Ardis. Del Big tree The Highwire.
Dr. Ardis has a wonderful website to reverse Civic vaccine damage. Hope and pray this helps any of my dear brothers and sisters who are suffering. Monitor the United Nations carefully, The Pact for the Future Summit was Historical! September 23, 2024. Pray everyday for Jehovah to come! Love Susan
I am 69 years old. I live LaCrosse (USA).
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The Pandemic woke us up, and for that, we are thankful.
My wife and I object to most vaccinations on ethical grounds because of the aborted fetal cell line connection and the associated bloodguilt. We wrote to the branch about it in April '21 and received a standardised nonsensical reply that no doubt came from the branches correspondence guidebook . We asked for help from our congregation elders who were of little help. When we saw the warnings coming from the scientific community regarding the failed animal trails of the mRNA platform and tried to warn others via indirect social media posts my wife was persecuted and threated with disfellowshipping. She hasn't attended a meeting since. I continued for a time, but the issue burned within my bones. I realised that abortion is modern day child sacrifice, and that these cells could be viewed as "things sacrificed to idols", I wrote to the branch about this again showing clearly that there is a scriptural grounds for abjection if we take the view that Acts 15:28-29 are not conscience issues but things we must abstain from, like blood. The branch wrote back but declined to answer my questions. Next we read lucas' open letter and were amazed at how he had articulated exactly how we were feeling, and more. The ongoing UN relationship was a shock to us and the final nail in the coffin. From that moment on we could see that the GB's mask has fallen and shown us their real face. We could see the man behind the curtain.
I am now thankful that the pandemic woke us up. We realise that its unscriptural to be followers of an organisation made by men. Jesus said that his return would be like lightning, visible to everyone. Not invisible. As Jeffrey Jackson said under oath to the Australian Royal Commission when asked if the are Jehovah's channel "that would appear to be presumptuous."
We now read the Bible more than ever before. Christ is the only head we ever need. He is the way, and the truth and the life. No one can approach out Father except through him. He replaced the Priesthood arrangement but the GB effectively reinstates IT by making us believe that we are a secondary class. The other sheep Jesus referred to were the gentiles who were about to be annointed along with the little flock of Israel. And the great crowd seen in Revelation are rendering sacred service day and night in the temple. The word used is 'naos', which is not an earthly courtyard, but the sanctuary itself, the holy place and the holy of holies. The teaching of the great crowd of other sheep was started by Rutherford in the August 1934 Watchtower and is based on an antitypical application of Jonadab riding in Jehu's Chariot. And since we shouldn't do types and antitypes anymore this teaching has no scriptural foundation. 'Christian' means annointed ones. You cant be a Christian and not be annointed!! So we have been totally misled into denying our heavenly hope and even worse, we were mislead into ritually refusing Jesus body and blood at the memorial in a ceremony that qualifies for being a satanic black mass.
Brothers and sisters, do not mourn or lement what has happened. Rejoice in you Christian freedom. now is the time to fully get out of Babylon.
I am 40 years old. I live (United Kingdom).
Anonymous (
3/16/2025 Read more ↓
I am a 47 years old brother from The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and live in Spain. I use to serve as an elder for 17 years in various fields : Lingala, French, English, Chinese and today in Spanish congregations. I did not take these arrows, so -called mRNA vaccins. And will not.
I have served 7 years in Wuhan (China) and knew from start, with some other brothers who seved there like myself that the pandemic story was a lie. We kow the city well.
I and some have tried to awake the thinking ability of many around us but very few were able to understand, prefered to think that the reality was a conspiracy theory.
My former brother in law who is a doctor told my father 79 years old, catholic (not a JW), But who helped a lot the JW through his work as the head of the Department of Justice for many years in Congo.... so dad respected the JW since many years, until he was influenced to get vaccinated. My father called me and i told him he did well in 2020 with all the measures taken since then, so why now in 2021 he should try some products still under tests? But under pressure from that brother in law he took the terrible injection...That brother in law, himself under the influence the Governing Body 2021 updates talks, decided to be injected himself with the Astrazeneca. Later he dared to post his video of the instant of him getting vaccinated and published that on the whatsapp group of the family...
It was that way that he also convinced my sisters to get that jab, now ALL having health disorders of many sorts...
Back to my father, 3 days after the fatal injection, severe fever started and he had to be taken to hospital where he died of various thrombosis in his vacular system. This is a crime, an assassination! Justice shall be done by Jehovah and i am waiting the day it will be done for my dad and for many more innocents, Punishment to all the agents involved in this mass genocid earth wide.
How can the GB be unable to see the reality during this "pandemic?" While special research are made just to publish a photo in our magazines take sometimes weeks and even months of research to make sure thereliable historical context is taught to the public... The GB was his time unable to spend enough time, means and efforts to discover that the whole world through media and political propagandas in favour of the covid vaccins was just A BIG LIE?? Hard to understand....
If it was a mistake from the GB at that time, why then today in 2025, 4 years later, when the whole world knows the covid vaccins have caused excess mortality and many harms in people on the planet from 2021 to 2024, still in this week meetings program of March 3 to 9, 2025 the GB continue to remain in the same position favorable to covid vaccins, displaying AGAIN that update no.9, where David Splane of the GB dared to say that it is supported by Jehovah, and given with love by Jehovah to his people as the evidence Him guiding us during the pandemic???
How can D. Splane dares, front of millions of witnesses to claim that we should not doubt the brothers who went to investigate about the covid vaccin as reliable, and that questioning what these brothers know about the covid injection IS AS JUST AS QUESTIONING WHAT JEHOVAH KNOWS????? Blasphemy!!! I can not allow anyone to treat Jehovah my God with such insulting statement. How can D. Spaln dares to compare mare human knowldge of imperfect men to the PERFECT AND INFINITE KNOWLEDGE OF THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE, JEHOVAH THE ALMIGHTY?
The ONLY way for me to see this misinformation campaign in all these covid updates videos made by the GB in 2021-2022, is through our Lord Jesus statements in Matthew 24:4,24 when, after been asked by his disciples about the signs of the last days, surprinsingly, the Greatest Teacher on Earth did not start with a sign BUT WITH A WARNING TO THE CHOSEN ONES OF THE LAST DAYS, saying in verse " 4. Look out that NOBODY MISLEADS YOU..." and "24. For false Christs and false prophets will rise and will perform great signs ans wonders SO AS TO MISLEAD, IF POSSIBLE, EVEN THE CHOSEN ONES"
Please brothers, take note that Jesus is not just talking about a mistake, which we can unerstand they and ourselves make often, but he speaks about BEING MISLEAD...which imply something similar to what happened to Eve. She was mislead by the Devil, she did not just made a mistake but was completly fooled. This means that active actions by false statements or "great signs" if you wish, as said Jesus would fool the anointed ones (chosen ones) whom himself chose in the last days. That is exactly what has happened in 2020 up to this very day of 2025....This midweek meeting contains is an evidence that the GB is determined to go against the Scriptures and the facts. Not helping maintain unity in this case.
Here is an evidence that Jehovah's Holy Spirit is no longer in them, They became just like the 5 stupid vigins who did not wish to having ' oil with kept with them while waiting the spouse (Matthew 25)...I am therefore no longer surprised that parallel to this crisis, since a couple years, the mention of Holy Spirit HAS BEEN DELETED in one of the 2 questions baptism candidates are suppose to answer YES, has stop mentioning " .. to be joining God's organisation led by Holy Spirit", and just mention now only " be joining God's organisation". With this agressive approach, let's fear that they don't fall into Matthew 24:48 to 50 where the evil slave started to beat his companions, drink with drunkars etc...HE will be severly punished by Jesus in that case.
It seems that they soleley rely now on their long experience, publications instructions and huge financing ressources which help making videos and giving an appaearance all is just fine...NO, things are not fine . Teachings seem now more emotional, asking constantly "what do you FEEL about...How that makes you FEEL etc..." more than on THINKING abality of Proverbs chap 1 and 2 which is a protection.
Confusion is even set in key teachings about the begining of the Great Tribulation. Brothers, we shall wake up!! The GB for years now, insists as we know, that the great tribulation will start when Revelations 17 and 18 will be fulffilled, meaning when the 10 horns of the wild beast will turn against Babylon the Great and destroy her....Well; this is a Bible prophety and had been or will be fulffiled....BUT IS IT THAT, THE BEGINNING OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION?
Let's return Bible students and start asking to ourselves THE RIGHT QUESTION SUCH AS: Who is the one who have first mention the very expression "Great Tribulation"? The answer is ; Our Lord Jesus is. So, why don't we turn to Jesus, to let us kno ACCORDING TO JESUS CHRIST WHEN AND BY WHAT EVENTS THE GREAT TRIBULATION IS STARTING WITH...Let's then read Jesus answer in Matthew 24:15 to 21. In that verse, we have both the WHEN and the HOW...It reads: " Therefore, WHEN you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken about by Daniel the prophet, standing in in a holy place (let the reader use discernment), then....." (Actions shall be taken) Why? "..for then there will be a great tribulation such as not occured since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again".
Our Lord didn't say "IF you carch sight of"...but instead "WHEN you catch sight of...."; Jesus was 100% sure THAT, THAT EVENT WON'T ESCAPE US, AT LEAST NOT THE READER WHO USES DISCERNMENT...So, to help us, He gave us instructions as further information to know better "..Daniel the pophet mentioned more details helping us " to use DISCERNMENT to understand WHEN and by WHAT EVENTS the great tribulation ever seen, will start...if we go to the 4 verses of Daniel the prophets, we get a shock. Let's then be obedient and follow Jesus instructions to read what Daniel wrote:
- Daniel 9:27 " And he will keep the covenant in force for the many for one week; and at the half of the week, HE WILL CAUSE SACRIFICES AND GIFT OFFERING TO CEASE. And on the wing of the disgusting things there will be the one CAUSING DESOLATION; and until AN EXTERMINATION, what was decided on will be poured out also on the ones lying desolate".
2 Things appear here. the disgusting thing is really doing something very disgusting. (1.) Cause sacrifices and gift offering (dedicated to Jehovah) to cease or to stop as also Daniel 11:31 say about the same: "they will profane the sanctuary...remove te constant feature" and (2.) causing desolation or an extermination (A depopulation agenda).
What have we seen in 2020 and 2021? For the first time around the world, based on lies and fear, THE ENTIRE WORLD WAS CONFINED by decison of the disgusting wild beast. CONSEQUENCES? People were ordered to stay home, ALL Religious meetings in places dedicated for it stopped, including meetings attedance in-person of Jehovah's Witenesses in worship facilities..NO MORE MEETINGS AT KINGDOM HALLS, NO MORE MEETINGS AT ASSEMBLY HALLS, which places DEDICATED to worship the True God Jehovah, in where SACRIFICES of praise are given to Him CONSTANTLY DAY AND our organisation is planetary (When it's day time in one part of the world it's night time on the other and vice versa)...2020-2021 NO MORE BIBLE BASED PREACHING FORM OF HOUSE TO HOUSE or ON PUBLIC PLACES, The God's sacrifice of praise of Hebrew 13: 15, that is the fruit of our lips that make PUBLIC DECLARATION to His name" stopped. The disguting thing had"standed or stemped on holy place, influencing negatively AS NEVER SEEN IN HISTORY the worship to Jehovah.
Who had the power to dare doing such a thing on a PLANETARY SCALE AT THE VERY SAME MOMENT ? But it did happen...It was NOT A SMALL "SIGN" PERFORMED BY THOSE BEHIND THAT, according to Jesus..... that is why such a WORLDWIDE EVENT WHICH MADE JESUS BE SURE, "WE" WILL CATCH SIGHT OF IT, THAT IT CAN'T ESCAPE US, BUT ONLY IF THE READER USE HIS DISCERNMENT....An event of such a Magnitude could not be hidden...That will mark the BEGINNING of the great tribulation, ACCORDING TO JESUS, not according to the GB.
We have SEEN BOTH EVENTS since then, caused by the disgusting thing from 2020, which did not escape those of us using discernment as Jesus was sure of....Marking, in reality ACCORDING TO JESUS the beginning of the Great TIBULATION, While those being vaccinated who didn't die, are suffering all sort of diseases, pain in this humanity and even being modified genetically within for good. Something never seen in humanity in such a scale and so fast....Who will be surprised to read now Jesus following words in verse 22, stating that Jehovah will act to cut short those days otherwise NO FLESH will be saved.......Thank you Jehovah!
There are more to say.....God's word is the TRUTH
Feel free to tell what you think;, whether you think this undertanding is correct or wrong, let's share the joy of returning Bible sudents again.....
What is sure, we are living special moment in the History of Jehovah's people as never seen before!
I can be contacted in
Let's all endure until the end
Peace and Lobve to all
Big hug
I am 47 years old. I live Malaga (Spain).
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